Page name: chocolate election [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-21 04:12:01
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WELCOME TO THE FIRST ANUAL CHOCOLATE ELECTION!!!As u know there are alot of choco lovers out there so i decided to find out wich type would win in an election all u have to do is add ur name and go to VOTE!!But this is only for kicks so dont take it too seriously or someone is bound to get into a fight here and there..we all take our chocolate seriously...weve all had our days...

please note that u can only vote in the ballads!I do not want to get things confuzed and such so plz vote in the comments of the ballads!!thank you 4 shopping at chocolate election, come again^_^

Dont forget to thank the little people, a.k.a the founders:


   MILKvsWHITEvsOTHERS The ballads
  white chocolate supporters
  milk chocolate supporters
  election pins The banners(plz put some up! much obliged^_^)
  other chocolate supporters for the ppl who like different kinds of choco!

  wiki's and such...promoting wiki''s like this..and so on

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2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: ^_^ thats nice, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. it puts a rather large cramp on flirting.

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: yea i do that a lot

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: not with any body at school cause they're blaa!>_<

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: and yea

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: lol, yeah.

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: there are better people in iowa city

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: lmao!!!!! your kidding me, right?!?!?!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: no

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: seriously there is no good guy here

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: well gtg kk ttyl

2005-01-12 [peace4all_monkey]: he really sad sorry? hmmm....figures he would only go out w/ me under influence

2005-01-12 [spongemonkey]: lmao!!! classic kelsie.

2005-01-12 [peace4all_monkey]: whats that supposed to mean?!?!?!?!>.<

2005-01-12 [Gone4Eva]: hi

2005-01-12 [peace4all_monkey]: hidee ho...ho am i classic? whats so classic about me? *confused*

2005-01-13 [Gone4Eva]: it means what you said, was like you to say

2005-01-13 [peace4all_monkey]: umkay....*still confused* WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN SPONGE!!!

2005-01-13 [spongemonkey]: *still pissed at leomon*

2005-01-13 [peace4all_monkey]: *asks why* cant we all just get along?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

2005-01-15 [Gone4Eva]: why are you pissed at me? what did i do? does this have to do with amanda? or is it cus i wasnt posting here for like a week?

2005-01-15 [peace4all_monkey]: *confused**blinks* tink ill stay out of this question

2005-01-15 [Gone4Eva]: ok i just want to know why

2005-01-15 [peace4all_monkey]: *blinks*

2005-01-15 [Gone4Eva]: *blinks back*

2005-01-15 [spongemonkey]: .> I hate my e string.

2005-01-15 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-01-15 [peace4all_monkey]: *blinks morE!!* least u "get" to play ur violin...u have lessons!!

2005-01-16 [spongemonkey]: oh stop feeling sorry for yourself.

2005-01-16 [Gone4Eva]: what the?

2005-01-18 [peace4all_monkey]: well i wouldnt feel sorry 4 myself if i didnt live in this


2005-01-18 [Monicuddles]: hi people sorry i havent been on in a while

2005-01-19 [peace4all_monkey]:




2005-01-20 [Monicuddles]: look now im the one thats on time

2005-01-20 [Monicuddles]: *throws pillows at everyone cause they're sleeping*

2005-01-20 [spongemonkey]: your just looking for reasons to complain!! if you look at things in perspective you actually have a pretty good life!!

2005-01-20 [Monicuddles]: how?

2005-01-20 [Monicuddles]: well any ways you can say it later cause i gtg bye

2005-01-20 [spongemonkey]: how?!?! you actually think that you have the worst life in the world?

2005-01-20 [peace4all_monkey]: i gotta admit...everyone has their ups and downs....hey i would trade a life for urs any day! plus dont look at the negative things in life and try to be focussed on the possitive...i know i havent been the most happy person these past years but i finally realized...with some friends by your side...there is no reason to complain

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: ok listen to this i have no positive side, 1(and most important):my dad is going to iraq and my uncle is already there,2:i go to a school i hate with people i cant trust,3:i live in the middle of nowhere,4: the only way i communicate with my friends is the god damn computer so dont think there is a positive side!!!>_<


2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: tell ur brother i said to go screw himself and that ive grown nails and he doesnt want 10 deep scratches in his arm

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: yea i dont think that will work i got him off yesterday by biting him and the more he hurt me the harder i bit

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: hehe....just think when im over there he'll be over run w/ bites and scratches*hits geno w/ baseball bat*TAKE THAT GENO!!!KARMA!!!KARMA!!!!

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: lol thanx it feels good to smile once in a while

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: hey u should seriously join pekingese lovers united and have u seen the badges theyre sooooooo CutE!!!

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: have you been getting on a eight o'clock the past few days*gives ghost a look like i know*

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: yes...well not 2 days ago...i was grounded but ur the one that hasnt been on...seriously go to elftown graphics and check some stuff out and tell me what u want

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: hey can put the first picture of the pekingese on your home page on mine

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: kk

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: which one?

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: not the one with the crown or ne thing

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: so which one?????????oh um amber says hi and that she misses u!*lifts amber to hug computer screen...amber gives cyber kiss*

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: lol*muahs and hugs back* the one that says "you cant stand there and say im not cute" or sumthing like that

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: kk

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: 123456789/*-+

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: hehehehehehehehe

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: sry about that

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: yeah^_^ thank yew

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: i got it up!

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: hurray!^_^

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: is it lovely or what!?!?!?!?!

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: b-e-a-utiful

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: lol

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: so...any graphics u want?

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: wanna chat at pekingese lovers united

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: any other graphics u want?

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: ?

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: uh not really but youi can sudrprize me and i'll tell you how i like them

2005-01-21 [peace4all_monkey]: u wanna welcome sign

2005-01-21 [Monicuddles]: uh...sure

2005-01-22 [Gone4Eva]: to many mokeys, "i think personly that choking is sex, when a man grabs your kneck and go argsssgwse, oww meow"

2005-01-22 [peace4all_monkey]: ?????

2005-01-22 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-01-22 [peace4all_monkey]: u r confusling me!!!!!

2005-01-23 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-01-24 [spongemonkey]: you life still isnt horrible monica, well, that whole Iraq thing is pretty bad. (are you probush or antibush?) but think, do you have any diseases are you seriously maimed or insane? quite honestly I'd pay too be left alone.

2005-01-26 [Gone4Eva]: who id monica?

2005-01-27 [spongemonkey]: monkey rose 92

2005-01-29 [Monicuddles]: yes im monica

2005-01-30 [peace4all_monkey]: i miss bubba...*cries*

2005-02-01 [spongemonkey]: OO which bubba are we talking about here?

2005-02-02 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-02-07 [peace4all_monkey]: my grandpas dog.. u dont understand...he was 13...i knew him all my life...anyways... u should move to monkeytown

2005-02-10 [spongemonkey]: yes, kill my wiki.

2005-02-10 [Monicuddles]: is that the sarcastic way or serious way cause its hard to tell on the computer

2005-02-10 [peace4all_monkey]: *blink*...i didnt mean kill your wiki! i meant u should be a resident..or better yet!! you visit at a motel!!!!

2005-02-17 [spongemonkey]: what the hell?

2005-02-17 [sexy fat panda]: Here have a bisciut, it will make you feel betta *holds out a plate of choccy bics*

2005-02-17 [spongemonkey]: XD hurray for panda!!!!!

2005-02-17 [sexy fat panda]: well thankyou thankyou *stands lazilly and takes a bow*

2005-02-17 [spongemonkey]: *glomp*

2005-02-19 [Gone4Eva]: i have a bf

2005-02-19 [peace4all_monkey]: who is it? i know him??? details! DETAILS!!!*bounces off the walls* haha im going to have a chocolate factory party at my uncles tonight!! HAHA!!

2005-02-19 [Gone4Eva]: you dont know him i dont think, his name is matt

2005-02-20 [sexy fat panda]: CHOCOLATE!!!!

2005-02-20 [Gone4Eva]: we broke up

2005-02-20 [sexy fat panda]: nooooooooooooooo!!!!

2005-02-21 [Gone4Eva]: not us, me and my exbf

2005-02-21 [sexy fat panda]: oh ok, well was he a dick?

2005-02-21 [peace4all_monkey]: is he cute??

2005-02-21 [Monicuddles]: ????

2005-02-21 [Monicuddles]: what did i miss?

2005-02-22 [peace4all_monkey]: leomons got a new bf!! and i wanna know if hes cute!!

2005-02-23 [spongemonkey]: they broke up kels.

2005-02-23 [peace4all_monkey]: hmmm....weird...anyways! tonight i went to the junior high play called "and then there was one" its a comedy,romance,murder... ariel was a great brittney yorke!

2005-02-23 [spongemonkey]: =^_^= thats lovely dearest.

2005-02-23 [peace4all_monkey]: YAY!! IM A DEAREST!!!*throws a pinata full of chocolate*

2005-02-23 [Gone4Eva]: he was cute

2005-03-02 [peace4all_monkey]: what do u mean was? did he get ugly over nightO__o*confused*

2005-03-03 [Gone4Eva]: no

2005-03-03 [peace4all_monkey]: then say I thought he was cute

2005-03-05 [Gone4Eva]: uoph

2005-03-08 [peace4all_monkey]: *confused* alas...the confusion never ends....alas...i am bored

2005-03-08 [sexy fat panda]: poke

2005-03-08 [peace4all_monkey]: *poke back*yay fun!

2005-03-09 [sexy fat panda]: he he *tripple flying poke!* beat that!!

2005-03-16 [Gone4Eva]: hi

2005-03-16 [spongemonkey]: pie!!!! :D :D :D

2005-03-16 [Gone4Eva]: ummmmmmmm i would love to have some pie

2005-03-17 [spongemonkey]: *pies dillon-thing*

2005-03-17 [Gone4Eva]: yayay

2005-03-17 [spongemonkey]: huzza!!!!

2005-03-17 [Gone4Eva]: hi hi hi hih hihihfoiahpoijhedpoiahjfjpoknf, hey get your friends to come here

2005-03-18 [peace4all_monkey]: huzza wooza?? *quadruple flying poke*muahahah!! i overule all of you!!!!today i wore a green incense stick in my hair^^... then my friends did it...then some 8th grade jerk took it outta my hair when i was going down the stairs>.<

2005-03-18 [Gone4Eva]: hi

2005-03-18 [spongemonkey]: lmao. was it a good sceant? (sp?)

2005-03-18 [Gone4Eva]: FO FO

2005-03-18 [sexy fat panda]: you can so not over rule the pokation master!! *triple flying swilling cortez blazing flame in hell poke with a munkeh!!* now beat that!!

2005-03-18 [Gone4Eva]: *pulls out FO FO* say that agien

2005-03-18 [peace4all_monkey]: was rain*looks at box thing a mabob*i think it involved rain?...oh yeah!!!*QUADUOPLE FLYING SWILLING CORTEZ BLAZING FLAME IN HELL POKE WITH QA MUFFIN*i dare you to beat sooo the best poker =p

2005-03-19 [Gone4Eva]: are you shure your not high

2005-03-19 [peace4all_monkey]: yep im pretty sure....*checks thoughts* pink elephants^^

2005-03-20 [Gone4Eva]: good

2005-03-20 [peace4all_monkey]: elephants...hehe...ompha loumps...however you spell that^^

2005-03-20 [sexy fat panda]: heffalumps!! *tripple million jumping floppy poke with triple dimsion of bamboo, darning you to the bamboo hell* ha ha ha

2005-03-21 [peace4all_monkey]: i can beat that-_-*Quadruple million 90 degree turn floppy with quadruple dimsion of chocolate,darning u to the chocolate hell* sooo the best*coolnesss*

2005-03-21 [Gone4Eva]: jo

2005-03-21 [sexy fat panda]: fine, you brought chocolate into this, i can never forgive you, for you are the only one to find my obsessive weakness ... . . . .

2005-03-22 [peace4all_monkey]: hehe...what can i soo i mean wool..chocolate is my friend...chocolates name is bob..i ate bob and now hes gone<:<

2005-03-22 [sexy fat panda]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! DO NOT EAT BOB!! HE IS MY WEAKNESS! wait that would be a good reason to eat him, go on eat him, eat him alll!!!!(craziness)

2005-03-23 [peace4all_monkey]: mmm..this batch of bob tastes good^^*eats bob*bob is good!

2005-03-23 [Gone4Eva]: i miss bob

2005-03-24 [peace4all_monkey]: but bob is bad..the guy bob..not choco...choco is good^^

2005-03-24 [sexy fat panda]: chocolate!!! eats all of bob and of of choco!! um chocolate!!

2005-03-31 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-04-02 [sexy fat panda]: i like chocolate, thats just in case you couldnt tell. ..

2005-04-03 [Gone4Eva]: yeah

2005-04-05 [sexy fat panda]: Ummmm! BOB! the chocolate freind, good company and ediable!

2005-04-05 [Gone4Eva]: yay

2005-04-06 [peace4all_monkey]: amen to that!

2005-04-06 [Gone4Eva]: lets go kill a bitch

2005-04-07 [peace4all_monkey]: on grand theft auto...they usually gots all the moneys^^

2005-04-07 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-04-07 [peace4all_monkey]: its true! but usually when you try to stab them @ the beach one of them has a gun and starts shootin u....dumb bitches!

2005-04-07 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-04-07 [peace4all_monkey]: hehe*random giggling*...dumb bitches>.<

2005-04-07 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-04-07 [sexy fat panda]: *pokes a mango!*

2005-04-08 [peace4all_monkey]: *pokes a panda!*

2005-04-08 [Gone4Eva]: lol

2005-04-08 [sexy fat panda]: *pokey pokey poke poke!*

2005-04-08 [Gone4Eva]: lnonononlolol

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: r u sure u wanna start that again?*stares down w/ evil grin*

2005-04-09 [Gone4Eva]: no stop ill do any thing stop just stop

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: *quadruple pokey pokey poke poke*...too late^^

2005-04-09 [Gone4Eva]: nooooooooooo

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: hehehe^^*starts 2 poke leo.....meegleglopple pokedy poke*!!!^^

2005-04-09 [Gone4Eva]: not right now

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: hehe....toooo bad*pokedy poke poke*....hehe

2005-04-09 [Gone4Eva]: no

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: awww...whats a matter?

2005-04-09 [Gone4Eva]: ill message you

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: okee dokee^^

2005-04-10 [spongemonkey]: potato!!!

2005-04-10 [peace4all_monkey]: CHOCOLATE!!!

2005-04-10 [Gone4Eva]: cheese

2005-04-10 [spongemonkey]: *gasp!!*

2005-04-10 [Gone4Eva]: i know

2005-04-10 [peace4all_monkey]:


2005-04-10 [Gone4Eva]: yaya

2005-04-15 [sexy fat panda]: yum!!

2005-04-17 [peace4all_monkey]: hehe

2005-04-18 [sexy fat panda]:

i <3 chocolate!

2005-04-18 [peace4all_monkey]: calm down!!!!!!!!! oh and leo...can u announce that milk has won 4 the year 2004?

2005-04-21 [Gone4Eva]: ok MILK HAS WON 4 THE YEAR 2004

2005-04-21 [peace4all_monkey]: yay!!....NOW the start of year 2005!!!!!!

2005-04-21 [Gone4Eva]: 4 months late, yay

2005-04-22 [peace4all_monkey]: hey!!....well...o well.....not like anyone will notice!!

2005-04-22 [peace4all_monkey]: ho hum....since milk chocolate has to reign as prez 4 the year....who is milk chocolate?

2005-04-22 [Gone4Eva]: oh9ohnp;uiohnp;uonboh

2005-04-23 [peace4all_monkey]: hmm....what should the first mission of the prez be?...any suggestions?

2005-04-23 [Gone4Eva]: ohh

2005-04-23 [peace4all_monkey]: what?....okay...if no1's gonna give me a suggestion that i understand*glares*..uknow who u bout we take over a wiki like...bush is takin over iraq!!

2005-04-23 [Gone4Eva]: oh ok

2005-04-23 [peace4all_monkey]: what wiki?

2005-04-23 [Gone4Eva]: [YO moma, OH!!!!]

2005-04-23 [peace4all_monkey]: your baby!!*b**** slaps*...booyah!!

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